Expert System - IT-supported design of international contracts Collaboration at the chair Prof. Dr. Dr. Carsten Thomas Ebenroth, University of Konstanz...
Collaboration at the chair Prof. Dr. Dr. Carsten Thomas Ebenroth, University of Konstanz (1982-1987), in the area of expert systems for legal work
Used programming Tools and languages:
Publications / Results:
- Essay: EDV-gestützte Gestaltung internationaler Verträge, together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Carsten Thomas Ebenroth, CR 1986, p. 504 ff. [IT-supported design of international contracts - International Private Law - IPR; International contract law; Legal Tech Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence - AI]
- Essay: Système expert en matière de contrats internationaux, together with Prof. Dr. Dr. Carsten Thomas Ebenroth, in: Marc Schauss (Ed.), Systèmes Experts et Droit, Bruxelles 1988, p. 73 ff. [International Private Law - IPR; International contract law; Legal Tech; Legal computer science; Expert Systems, Artificial Intelligence - AI]